Tuesday 12 April 2011

Mandatory DSDN 101 April Hand In

This clip is roughly 2 seconds of my first attempt at stop motion video.
This is my Storyboard as below

Trials - Stop motion

Here is what i been mucking around looking at, stop motion. just had a play around looking at different ways of transforming the picture, nothing too exciting. this ones a bit longer than 2 seconds. but it shows i can use the program.

Storyboard - Industrial Design - Mass Production

After Brainstorming I have decided to base my Stop Motion Video on Mass Production and how ideas, however simple or complex they are can be mass produced a shared with the world

Project 2 - Video Clip - The Brainstorm

For this project ill be looking at the industrial design. I have brainstormed various aspects of the idea of design in industry. Below are my brainstorms.